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【No Overseas Shipping】ONEWAY NC 80/on8343

Item #:cd34196

Original Price:2750JPY


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【 Details 】


NC Blue 80 / on8343

this WAX is, beyond the category of paraffin WAX so far, it is a completely new WAX.

by containing NANOM "fullerene nano-carbon" has a more gliding just a paraffin WAX, its performance is comparable to LFWAX.

This one, plays the role of both the "base wax," "glide wax".

Further, low melting point waxes, without sear planing surface, can be easily hot vaccinia Thing.

snow temperature: -8 ℃ ~ -20 ℃ ironing temperature: 90 ℃ ~ 110 ℃

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